We are excited to announce that the Kids’ Hair Birthday Club will be partnering with Roma Original frozen Pizzas!
Next time you are visiting us make sure we have an email address and your child’s birthday on file. That is all you need to join the Kids’ Hair Birthday Club to receive special offers from Kids’ Hair and Roma Pizza during your birthday month.
Here is how it works: on the first day of your child’s birthday month you will receive a special Happy Birthday email from Kids’ Hair that will include 3 exclusive offers – a haircut discount, a toy/hair accessory discount and a coupon for a FREE Roma for One, personal-sized pizza. All 3 offers can be redeemed at any Kids’ Hair location, any day during your child’s birthday month by showing the email offer. If you are not sure we have your information, just ask next time you visit!
Roma pizzas are available at Walmart, Cub, Festival, and other grocery retailers.
Happy Birthday from Kids’ Hair!